Referential Weaving Painting
I create paintings through weaving method in reference to Korean and Western modern abstract paintings.
I intend to revisit the era of Korean abstract art in 1960-70s and examine how the Western style, which was introduced without historical context, was defined in Korea, and discover the conditions to update the current issues.
Now, as we experience the past as vivid as the present and flattened space and time due to the effects of various media including smart devices, is the time to rearrange the past with time and experience that are entwined due to rapid modernization.
Weaving is the kind of method that has set time sequence that is incapable of rapid growth. I chose it as the method to realize the topic, in the sense that it won’t proceed to the next step without going through the time and process. Using my own hands to weave the canvas, I dye the weft and warp threads, build patterns by inserting colored threads, or paint on the complete canvas in reference to the icon in abstract painting.
I would like to examine what was defined too soon in the past and what the abstract paintings that are meaningful now are by incarnating the image of handicraft labor, the loom, that can’t skip over time.
2010 M.F.A. Painting & Drawing, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA
2002 M.F.A. College of Industrial Art, Hongik University, Industrial Craft, Seoul, Korea
1999 B.F.A. Fiber Art, Hongik University, Seoul, Korea
Selected Solo Exhibitions
2024 Material Draft, 021 Gallery, Korea
2023 Your Love is better than Life, CR Collective, Korea
2023 Moon Detour, Saitama Triennale Civic Project, Tsukinomichikusa, Japan
2022 Your Majesty. Circles, triangles and squares are yours too, Seoungnam Art Center, Korea
2022 Time on Table, Factory2, Korea
2019 Wall Hangings, Gallery 021, Korea
2019 Rules; disheveled, disheveled, IAP, Korea
2018 +Ebony+Ivory+, Onground Onground2, Korea
2017 Hairy Fairy Stain, Gallery Royal, Korea
2017 Seundja Helen, Sophis Gallery, Korea
2017 Monochrome Swatch, 63Art, Korea
2016 Brewed Surface, Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea
2014 Agnes and Seunghwans, Salon de H, Seoul, Korea
2012 Between and Beyond, Gallery Dos, Seoul, Korea
2011 Be still and Know, Kepco Art Center Gallery, Seoul, Korea
Selected Group Exhibition
Drawing Pairing, Seoul Olympic Museum of Art, Korea
Crafting the House, Seoul Museum of Craft Art, Korea
Weft of Life, Wooran Foundation, Korea
Like the Moon, Mountains and Winding Rivers, KCDF Gallery, Korea
2024 Woman Now, Vogue Korea, Whigyoumjae, Korea
The Act of Collaboration, Incheon Art platform, Korea
An Angel at my Table, Factory2, Korea
Abs/tract, Gallery Saem, Korea
Beyond the Craft, Maga Museum, Korea
Craft, Moving Beyond Time and Boundaries, Seoul Museum of Craft Art, Korea
Spinning East Asia Series II: A Net (Dis)entangled, Center for Heritage Arts and Textile, Hong Kong
Craft, Defamiliarization, Lotte Gallery, Korea
Reconstruction of Relationship, Atelier AKI, Korea
The Way We Remember Time, Punto Blue Seoul, Korea
Holiday For Me, Artside Gallery, Korea
Pop Up Art Seongnam, Seongnam Cultural Education Center, Korea
Time of Crisis, Danwon Art Museum, Korea
Collections of Everyone, Seoul Museum of Art, Korea
Endless, Atelier aki, Korea
Art Clout, Yangpyeong Art Museum, Korea
Art Central 2019 PROJECTS, Hongkong
New Acquisitions, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea
Cheong Ju International Craft Biennale 2019, Korea
Still Life Painting, Audio Visual Pavilion, Korea
變異構造 After Primary Structure, Suenu339, Korea
Platform Artists 2019, IAP, Korea
Quantum Leap, Songwon Art Center, Korea
Ever Changing, One Four, Korea
Don’t call it come back, Aki, Korea
Flatland, Kumho Museum of Art, Korea
with weft with warp, Seoul Museum of Art, Korea
Remixing Ground : Deconstructing Damage, La Chapelle de Clairefontaine, France
Korean’s Spirit, Artvera’s Gallery, Geneva
How many steps, PS333, Korea
Flexible Space, Sehwa Museum of Art, Korea
TasteView, House Taste, Korea
Painter's Touch, Gana Art Busan, Korea
SeMA New Acquisition; Heaven, Earth & Man, Seoul Museum of Art, Korea
Korean’s Spirit, Artvera’s Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland
JCC Frontier Art Award, JCC Museum of Art, Korea
Rethinking Craft, Seoul Museum of Art, Korea
Craft Climax, Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art, Korea
Future with Arts, Daegu Art Factory, Korea
From Flatness, 021Gallery, Korea
Meditation & Material, Atelier aki, Korea
Art Around, Space CAN, Korea
Shall We, Seongnam Arts Center, Korea
Crossing Plane: Unit, Layer, Nostalgia, Illmin Museum of Art, Korea
Do Dream Museum Opening Exhibition, Korea
Soma Drawing: Mindful Mindless, Seoul Olympic Museum of Art, Korea
Beauty and Happiness, Cheong-ju International Craft Biennale, Korea
Art Road 77, Heyri, Korea
Guild of Artistic, Gallery Yeh, Korea
Lesson for Mundi Vita, Seoul Museum of Art, Korea
Collaboration, Youngean Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea
Degree 0, Gyeonggi Creation Center, Korea
Whispering of Layers, Gallery Absinthe, Korea
New Hero, Blue Square Nemo, Korea
The Breath of Fresh, Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art, Korea
Korea Tomorrow, Seoul Art Center, Korea
Digital ARTEXMODA, Art Museum KNU, Deagu, Korea
Over the Surface, Gallery Seensee, Seoul, Korea
Spirit of Materiality, Yoojung Art Center Gallery, Seoul, Korea
Studio 1/36, Gyeonggi Creation Center, Debudo, Korea
Breath of the City, Dejeon Museum of Art, Dejeon,Korea
123Project, Gyeonggi Creation Center, Debudo, Korea
The border of Materials, Nanji Gallery, Seoul, Korea
How we connect, Sullivan Gallery, Chicago, USA
Midnite Snacks, 1366 Space, Chicago, USA
Artist Residencies
2024 Gapado AiR, Jeju Island, Korea
2020 SEA Foundation, Tilburg, Netherlands
2019 Incheon Art Platform, Korea
2018 The Josef and Anni Albers Foundation Artist in Residency, Connecticut, USA
2017 Seoul Art Space Geumcheon, Korea
2014 Gyeonggi Creation Center, Gyeonggi Do, Korea
2011 Nanji Art Studio, Seoul, Korea
2009 Women's Studio Workshop, NewYork, US
Public Talks and Lectures
16 May 2018 Artist Talk, Resilience and Reconciliation, Yale Material Culture Teach-In 2018, Yale University
30 May 2018 Artist Talk, with weft with warp, Seoul Museum of Art
7 July 2018 Artist Talk, Flatland, Kumho Museum of Art
12 Dec 2015 Artist Talk, Ilmin Museum of Art
2024 Visual Arts Publication Support, Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture, Korea
2023 International exchange support program, Arts Council Korea
2023 Art Support Program Grant, Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture, Korea
2020 International residency Grant, Arts Council Korea
2018 international residency Grant, Arts Council Korea
2018 Art Support Program Grant, Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture, Korea
2017 JCC Frontier Art Award Second Prize, Korea
2016 Grant for New Work, Naver Cultural Foundation, Korea
2014 Art Support Program Grant, Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture, Korea
2013 Grant for New Work, Gyeonggi Cultural Foundation, Korea
2013 Selected Artist, Public Art Magazine, Korea
2012 Grant for Solo Exhibition, Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture, Korea
2001 JoongAng Fine Art Competition, Awarded the prize
2019 National Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea
2018 Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art, Korea
2018 Yangpyeong Art Museum, Korea
2017 Seoul Museum of Art, Korea
2017 JCC Museum of Art, Korea
2016 Youngean Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea
2018, 2015 National Museum of Contemporary Art, Art Bank, Korea
Seongnam Cultural Foundation, Korea
2010 시카고 예술대학 회화과 석사 졸업
2002 홍익대학교 산업공예 석사 졸업
1999 홍익대학교 섬유미술과 학사 졸업
2024 물질의 도면, 021갤러리, 대구
2023 Your Love is better than Life, 씨알 콜렉티브, 서울
2023 달, 둘러가는 길 (2023사이타마 트리엔날레 civic project), 츠키노미치쿠사, 사이타마시, 일본
2022 아버지, 동그라미 세모 네모도 당신 것입니다 (성남 중견작가 초대전) 성남아트센터, 성남
2019 Wall Hangings, Gallery 021, 대구
2019 흐트흐트 위반의 기술, 인천아트플랫폼 창고갤러리, 인천
2018 +Ebony+Ivory+, 온그라운드, 서울
2017 Hairy Fairy Stain, 갤러리 로얄, 서울
2017 성자헬렌 Seundja Helen, 소피스 갤러리, 서울
2017 모노크롬 스와치 Monochrome Swatch, 63아트 미술관, 서울
2016 우려낸 표면 Brewed Surface, 영은 미술관, 경기도 광주
2014 아그네스와 승환스 Agnes and Seunghwans, 살롱 드 H, 서울
2012 Between and Beyond, 갤러리 도스, 서울
2011 Be Still, and know, 한전아트센터, 서울
2024 협업의 기술, 인천아트플랫폼, 인천
2024 공예로 짓는 집, 서울공예박물관, 서울
2024 Drawing Pairing, SoMa 미술관, 서울
2024 삶의 씨줄, 우란문화재단, 서울
2024 2024 Woman Now 영원한 루머, 휘겸재, 서울
2024 저 달, 산 굽이 흐르는 강물과 같이, KCDF 갤러리, 서울, 한국
2023 내 책상 위에 천사, Factory2, 서울
2023 추상/하기 Abs/tract, 갤러리 샘, 서울
2023 Beyond the Craft, 마가 미술관, 용인
2022 공예, 시간과 경계를 넘다, 서울공예박물관, 서울
2022 Spinning East Asia Series II: A Net (Dis)entangled, Center for Heritage Arts and Textile, Hong Kong
2022 공예, 낯설게 하기, 롯데갤러리 잠실점, 서울
2022 관계의 재구성, 아뜰리에 아키, 서울
2021 오늘의 날씨: 건축물 미술작품 도큐먼트, 팩토리2, 막집project space, 서울
2021시간을 기억하는 방법, 뿐또 블루, 서울
2021 팝업아트 성남, 성남문화예술교육센터, 성남중앙지하도, 성남
2021 위기의 시대-재구성된 보통, 단원미술관, 안산
2021 Holiday For Me, Artside Gallery, 서울
2021 성남 미술은행, 성남큐브미술관, 성남
2020 모두의 소장품, 서울시립미술관, 서울
2020 아트클라우트, 양평군립미술관, 양평
2020 Endless:확장된 시선, 아틀리에 아키, 서울
2019 Art Central 2019 PROJECTS, 홍콩
2019 국립현대 미술관 신소장품전, 과천
2019 청주국제공예비엔날레, 청주
2019 정물화전, 시청각, 서울
2019 변이구조 變異構造, 수애뇨339, 서울
2019 플랫폼 아티스트2019, 인천아트플랫폼, 인천
2019 비약적 도약, 송원아트센터, 서울
2019 Ever Changing, One Four, 서울
2019 Don’t call it come back, 아키, 서울
2018 플랫랜드, 금호미술관, 서울
2018 씨실과 날실로, 서울시립미술관, 서울
2018 Remixing Ground : Deconstructing Damage, 라샤펠, 프랑스
2018 Korean’s Spirit, Artvera’s Gallery, 제네바, 스위스
2018 How Many Steps, PS333, 서울
2018 유연한 공간, 세화미술관, 서울
2018 취미관 Taste View 趣味官, 취미가, 서울
2018 회화의 질감, 가나아트 부산, 가나아트
2018 SeMA신소장품 <하늘 땅 사람들>, 서울시립미술관, 서울
2017 Korean’s Spirit, Artvera’s Gallery, 제네바, 스위스
2017 JCC 프론티어 미술상 수상전, JCC 미술관, 서울
2017 공예의 자리, 서울시립 남서울 미술관, 서울
2017 크래프트 클라이맥스, 경기도 미술관, 안산
2017 제작의 미래, 대구예술발전소, 대구
2017 Meditation & Material, 아뜰리에 아키, 서울
2017 From Flatness, 021Gallery, 대구
2017 YMCA+YWCA, 갤러리 이마주, 서울
2017 And more textile works, 갤러리이앙, 서울
2017 조형-쓰임, 부산대학교 갤러리, 부산
2016 Art Around, Space CAN, 서울
2016 Shall We, 성남아트센터, 성남
2015 평면탐구: 유닛, 레이어, 노스텔지어, 일민 미술관, 서울
2015 소마 드로잉_무심, 소마 미술관, 서울
2015 청주국제 공예 비엔날레 알랭드보통 특별전, 청주 옛 연초 제조창, 청주
2015 두드림 작은 미술관 개관 전, 두드림 패션센터, 동두천
2015 Guild of Artistic, Gallery YEH, 서울
2015 Art Road 77, 헤이리, 파주
2014 생명수업, 서울시립미술관, 서울
2014 협업의 묘미, 영은 미술관, 경기도 광주
2014 결의 언어, 갤러리 압생트, 서울
2014 공간을 점령하라, 아트스페이스 정미소, 서울
2014 다시 0 도, 경기 창작센터, 안산
2014 뉴 히어로, 블루 스퀘어, 서울
2013 생생화화, 경기도 미술관, 안산
2013 Korea Tomorrow, 예술의 전당, 서울
2013 Digital Artex Moda, 경북대 미술관, 대구
2013 Over the Surface, Gallery seensee, 서울
2013 물성의 영혼, 유중 갤러리, 서울
2013 작업실 1/36, 경기창작센터, 안산
2013 It’s Now, 갤러리 이앙, 서울
2012 큰 언덕 섬으로의 초대<123 project>, 대부도 일대, 경기창작센터, 안산
2012 도시의 숨, <대흥동 블루스>, 대전시립미술관 열린 미술관, 대전
2011 물질의 경계, 서울시립미술관 난지 갤러리, 서울, 한국
2010 How we connect, Sullivan Gallery, Chicago, USA
2010 Midnite Snacks 1366 Space, Chicago, USA
2024 가파도AiR, 한국
2020 SEA Foundation, Tilburg, 네덜란드
2019 인천아트플랫폼, 한국
2018 The Josef and Anni Albers Foundation Artist in Residency, Connecticut, USA
2017 금천예술공장, 한국
2014 경기 창작센터, 한국
2011 난지 미술창작스튜디오, 한국
2009 Women's Studio Workshop, New York, USA
2024 서울문화재단 시각예술작품집 발간 지원, 서울문화재단
2023 아르코 국제예술지원, 한국문화예술위원회
2023 서울 문화재단 시각예술 창작 지원, 서울문화재단
2020 해외 레지던시 참가 지원, 한국문화예술위원회
2020 워싱턴 한국 문화원 올해의 작가
2018 서울 문화재단 시각예술 창작 지원, 서울문화재단
2018 해외레지던시 참가 지원, 한국문화예술위원회
2017 JCC 프론티어 미술대상 우수상, 재능문화재단
2016 Art Around 신작 창작 지원, 네이버 문화재단
2014 서울 문화재단 시각예술 창작 지원, 서울문화재단
2013 제7회 퍼블릭 아트 선정작가, 월간 퍼블릭 아트
2013 경기 문화재단 신작 지원, 경기문화재
2012 서울 문화재단 시각예술 지원, 서울문화재단
2001 중앙미술대전, 중앙일보
국립현대미술관, 국립현대미술관 정부미술은행, 서울시립미술관, 경기도미술관, 성남 문화재단,
JCC미술관, JW메리어트, 양평군립미술관, 영은 미술관